Sommerlicher Ausblick auf die Braunschweiger Innenstadt aus den alten Räumlichkeiten der ZKfN-Geschäftsstelle. Sommerlicher Ausblick auf die Braunschweiger Innenstadt aus den alten Räumlichkeiten der ZKfN-Geschäftsstelle.
© Nora Roesky/ZKfN

The ZKfN year in pictures

4 min. Reading time
The members of the Klima.Zukunftslabor climate future labs at the ZKfN together with Falko Mohrs, Lower Saxony Minister for Science and Culture, at the opening symposium on 20 November in Hannover. The members of the Klima.Zukunftslabor climate future labs at the ZKfN together with Falko Mohrs, Lower Saxony Minister for Science and Culture, at the opening symposium on 20 November in Hannover.
© Moritz Peters/ZKfN
© Picture Credit: Tatjana Schneider/TU Braunschweig. Transdisziplinäre Aktionsforschung Marseille, 2022.
Map of Lower Saxony showing all settlement units in the federal state as points.Map of Lower Saxony showing all settlement units in the federal state as points.
© Picture credit: SpACE Lab at ISU, TU Braunschweig, 2024; Map data: Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy; own calculations
Symbolic image of the forest in the Harz foreland Symbolic image of the forest in the Harz foreland
© Katharina Zickwolf/ZKfN


Portrait of Dr. Falko Feldmann Portrait of Dr. Falko Feldmann

1.5 – one scientist, five questions with Dr. Falko Feldmann

Biologist, member of the Braunschweig Garden Network and thus a partner in the Climate Future Lab OPEN_CULTURES

4 min. Reading time
Group picture of the participants of the Werkstatt der Mutigen for the Braunschweig region. Group picture of the participants of the Werkstatt der Mutigen for the Braunschweig region.

Matchmaking for regional change

60 creative minds develop solutions for local challenges for the Braunschweig region at the Werkstatt der Mutigen

3 min. Reading time
Portrait of Birgit Klötzer, research associate at Gender.Ing at TU Braunschweig and member of the Klima.Zukunftslabor OPEN_CULTURES.Portrait of Birgit Klötzer, research associate at Gender.Ing at TU Braunschweig and member of the Klima.Zukunftslabor OPEN_CULTURES.

What role does social justice play in climate research?

Birgit Klötzer, research associate at TU Braunschweig and member of the Climate Future Lab OPEN_CULTURES, in a short interview for the World Day for Social Justice

2 min. Reading time
Invitation image for the Werkstatt der Mutigen for the Braunschweig region on 20 February 2025Invitation image for the Werkstatt der Mutigen for the Braunschweig region on 20 February 2025

Invitation to the Werkstatt der Mutigen for the Braunschweig region

Regional workshop for Braunschweig will take place on 20 February

1 min. Reading time
Portrait of Prof. Manfred KrafczykPortrait of Prof. Manfred Krafczyk

1.5 – one scientist, five questions with Prof. Manfred Krafczyk

Vice President for Digital Transformation and Sustainability at the Technical University of Braunschweig

4 min. Reading time
Portrait of Ketevan GujejianiPortrait of Ketevan Gujejiani

Ketevan Gujejiani – Student Assistant

Who we are: The ZKfN team

1 min. Reading time
Portrait of Lena Harder Portrait of Lena Harder

Lena Harder – Student Assistant

Who we are: The ZKfN team

1 min. Reading time
Portrait von Mark Winter Portrait von Mark Winter

Mark Winter – Communications and Marketing Officer

Who we are: The ZKfN team

1 min. Reading time
Portrait of Dr. Nora Roesky Portrait of Dr. Nora Roesky

Dr. Nora Roesky – Network Management Officer

Who we are: The ZKfN team

2 min. Reading time
Logo Weltklimakonferenz 2024Logo Weltklimakonferenz 2024

Results of the World Climate Conference in Baku

Results of the World Climate Conference in Baku

1 min. Reading time


A page from the Herbarium Ruperti with pieces of nettle glued to it.A page from the Herbarium Ruperti with pieces of nettle glued to it.

Historical Biodiversity Archive

Presenting: Climate research for Lower Saxony

4 min. Reading time
A photograph of Beltringharder KoogA photograph of Beltringharder Koog

Transformation Processes of the North Sea Coast

Presenting: Climate Research for Lower Saxony

3 min. Reading time