
Climate.Future Lab Urban Climate Future Lab

The members of the Klima.Zukunftslabor climate future labs at the ZKfN together with Falko Mohrs, Lower Saxony Minister for Science and Culture, at the opening symposium on 20 November in Hannover. The members of the Klima.Zukunftslabor climate future labs at the ZKfN together with Falko Mohrs, Lower Saxony Minister for Science and Culture, at the opening symposium on 20 November in Hannover.

Kick-off for Lower Saxony's Climate Future Labs

Science, business, politics, practice and foundations meet for the climate future

3 min. Reading time
Map of Lower Saxony showing all settlement units in the federal state as points.Map of Lower Saxony showing all settlement units in the federal state as points.

Identifying and tackling climate challenges at the local level

Interview with Urban Climate Future Lab spokesperson Prof. Dr. Vanessa Carlow

9 min. Reading time